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cancel() - Method in class
Fired if the user cancels the dialog, which is: Click on "Cancel", for a MDIDialogBuilder.YES_CANCEL_DIALOG
cancel() - Method in interface
Fired if the user cancels the dialog.
cancel() - Method in interface org.mdi.bootstrap.swing.MDIDialogBuilder
Fired if the user cancels the dialog, which is: Click on "Cancel", for a MDIDialogBuilder.YES_CANCEL_DIALOG
cancelDialog(MDIDialog) - Method in class
Cancel a dialog.
cancelDialog(MDIDialog) - Method in class
Cancel a dialog.
cancelDialog(MDIDialog) - Method in interface org.mdi.bootstrap.swing.GUIApplication
Cancel a dialog.
cancelDialog(MDIDialog) - Method in interface org.mdi.bootstrap.swing.MDIDialogHelper
Cancel a dialog.
changePropertyView(DefaultMutableTreeNode) - Method in class org.mdi.gui.swing.DefaultSettingsAction.DefaultSettingsPanel
This method is used internally to manage node selections in the tree.
CHAR - Static variable in interface org.mdi.bootstrap.launcher.ArgumentType
Tag a char argument.
ClassDependencyHelper - Class in org.mdi.util
Contain various utility methods to check for dependencies between classes.
clazz - Variable in class org.mdi.plugins.PluginsManager.PluginPeer
The pathname name of the Plugin Main class (equal name of the class).
clear() - Method in interface org.mdi.gui.MessageArea
Clear the content of the message area and resize it accordingly.
clear() - Method in class org.mdi.gui.swing.DefaultMessageArea
Clear the content of the message area and resize it accordingly.
clearAction - Variable in class org.mdi.gui.swing.DefaultMessageArea
The clear action.
ClosableTabbedPane - Class in org.mdi.gui.swing
A TabbedPane with a close button.
ClosableTabbedPane() - Constructor for class org.mdi.gui.swing.ClosableTabbedPane
ClosableTabbedPane(TabbedApplication) - Constructor for class org.mdi.gui.swing.ClosableTabbedPane
closeAllTabs() - Method in class
Close all tabs.
closeAllTabs(boolean) - Method in class
Close all tabs.
closeAllTabs() - Method in interface org.mdi.bootstrap.swing.TabbedApplication
Close all tabs.
closeAllTabs(boolean) - Method in interface org.mdi.bootstrap.swing.TabbedApplication
Close all tabs.
closeCurrentTab(boolean) - Method in class
Close the currently opened Tab.
closeCurrentTab() - Method in class
Close the currently opened Tab.
closeCurrentTab() - Method in interface org.mdi.bootstrap.swing.TabbedApplication
Close the currently opened Tab.
closeCurrentTab(boolean) - Method in interface org.mdi.bootstrap.swing.TabbedApplication
Close the currently opened Tab.
closeItem - Variable in class
The default Close item for MDIApplication tabs.
closeOtherTabs() - Method in class
Close all Tabs except the current one.
closeOtherTabs() - Method in interface org.mdi.bootstrap.swing.TabbedApplication
Close all Tabs except the current one.
collapseAll() - Method in class org.mdi.gui.swing.DefaultSettingsAction
Collapse the settings tree.
collapseAll() - Method in class org.mdi.gui.swing.DefaultSettingsAction.DefaultSettingsPanel
Collapse the settings tree.
commandLineHandler - Variable in class
The command-line handler.
CommandLineHandler - Class in org.mdi.bootstrap.launcher
This class is used to handle arguments found on the command line.
CommandLineHandler() - Constructor for class org.mdi.bootstrap.launcher.CommandLineHandler
commandLineHandler - Variable in class org.mdi.plugins.AbstractPlugin
The command-line handler.
CommandLineListener - Interface in org.mdi.bootstrap.launcher
The command-line listener.
comp - Variable in class org.mdi.bootstrap.FileProperties
The associated panel.
conf - Variable in class
The associated Configuration.
conf - Variable in class
The associated Configuration.
Configuration - Interface in org.mdi.bootstrap
This interface defines the minimal common behaviour of all configurations.
Configuration2 - Interface in org.mdi.bootstrap
This interface extends the Configuration class to handle properties in a generic way.
ConfigurationManager - Class in
This class is responsible of serializing (when quitting), and deserializing (when opening) the application configuration.
ConfigurationManager(List<Plugin>, Preferences, Configuration) - Constructor for class
confmanager - Variable in class
The MDIApplication associated ConfigurationManager.
confmanager - Variable in class
The MDIApplication associated ConfigurationManager.
construct() - Method in class org.mdi.util.jfx.JFXWorker
Compute the value to be returned by the get method.
construct() - Method in class org.mdi.util.swing.SwingWorker
Compute the value to be returned by the get method.
copyAction - Variable in class org.mdi.gui.swing.DefaultMessageArea
The copy to clipboard action.
copyToClipboard() - Method in interface org.mdi.gui.MessageArea
Copy the hightlighted text to the system clipboard.
copyToClipboard() - Method in class org.mdi.gui.swing.DefaultMessageArea
Copy the hightlighted text to the system clipboard.
countComponents() - Method in class org.mdi.bootstrap.swing.MDISettingsNode.Multiple
Return the number of components used in the node
create(URL) - Static method in class
Create the singleton instance if it did not previously exist.
create(File) - Static method in class
Create the singleton class if it did not previously exist.
create(File, File) - Static method in class
Create the singleton class if it did not previously exist.
create(URL, URL) - Static method in class
Create the singleton class if it did not previously exist.
create(Class) - Static method in class
Create the singleton class if it did not previously exist.
create(File, String) - Static method in class
Create the singleton class if it did not previously exist.
create(URL, String) - Static method in class
Create the singleton class if it did not previously exist.
create(Class, String) - Static method in class
Create the singleton class if it did not previously exist.
createApplication(String[]) - Method in class
createApplyPanel() - Method in class
Creates the Apply panel, in the MDIDialogBuilder.CUSTOM_DIALOG type.
createApplyPanel() - Method in interface org.mdi.bootstrap.swing.MDIDialogBuilder
Creates the Apply panel, in the MDIDialogBuilder.CUSTOM_DIALOG type.
createButtonsPanel() - Method in class org.mdi.gui.swing.JErrorPane
Creates the buttons panel.
createDefaultMDIAbout(String, boolean) - Method in class
Create a default About component.
createDefaultMDIAbout(String, boolean) - Method in interface org.mdi.bootstrap.swing.MDIMenuFactory
Create a default About component.
createDefaultMDISettings(String) - Method in class
Create a default settings component.
createDefaultMDISettings(String) - Method in interface org.mdi.bootstrap.swing.MDIMenuFactory
Create a default settings component.
createDialog(Component, String) - Method in class org.mdi.gui.swing.JErrorPane
Creates the dialog.
createDialogContent() - Method in class
Create the dialog main panel or component.
createDialogContent() - Method in interface org.mdi.bootstrap.swing.MDIDialogBuilder
Create the dialog main panel or component.
createDynamicMenu(String) - Method in class
Create the dynamic plugin menu associated with the selected menu Key.
createPopupMenu(JPopupMenu) - Method in class
Create the Popup Menu.
createPopupMenu(JPopupMenu) - Method in interface org.mdi.bootstrap.swing.MDIMenuFactory
Create the Popup Menu.
createSettingsMenuItem() - Method in class
Create a menu item for the settings action.
createSettingsMenuItem(String) - Method in class
Create a menu item for the settings action.
createThreadQueue() - Method in class
Create the ThreadQueue.
createThreadQueue() - Method in class
Create the ThreadQueue.
createThreadQueue() - Method in class
Create the ThreadQueue.
CROSSED - Static variable in interface org.mdi.bootstrap.MessageLogger
The crossed style (line-through).
CUSTOM_DIALOG - Static variable in interface org.mdi.bootstrap.swing.MDIDialogBuilder
The Custom dialog dialog type.
customActions - Variable in class
The map of custom actions.
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