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LauncherConf - Class in
This singleton class allows to find the user.dir and user.home directories even when the application is launched remotely.
loadAndInstanciatePluginClass(String) - Method in class org.mdi.plugins.PluginsManager
Load a class found in a Plugin, and create a new instance from this class.
loadPluginClass(String) - Method in class org.mdi.plugins.PluginsManager
Load a class found in a Plugin.
LOADPLUGINRESOURCES_IMPOSSIBLE - Static variable in interface org.mdi.plugins.PluginsManagerListener
The type for exceptions fired if a Plugin is not able to load its resources.
loadResources() - Method in class
Load resources (as Icons) used in the Application.
loadResources() - Method in class
Load resources used in the Application.
loadResources(MDIApplication, ClassLoader) - Method in interface org.mdi.plugins.Plugin
Load the plugin resources.
lock() - Method in class
Lock the current LauncherConf instance such as to prevent further LauncherConf.reset() to have any effect.
logger - Variable in class org.mdi.util.ThreadQueue
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